
Use the Search for Finding quickly

Popular searches: Filtering, Sorting, Upgrade

Using the Kanban view

With the Kanban view, you can visualize your workflow in a board of cards. Click and drag to move cards between different columns, or reorder them within a column.

Using the Grid view

With the Grid view, you can visualize your data in a table. The Grid view displays a grid with your records as rows and your fields as columns.

Filtering rows using conditions

Filtering rows & conditions. Learn how to filter rows in the Grid(Table) view.


Sorting data in Grid(Table). You can sort your rows so that they appear in a particular order according to the values in specific fields


Discussions & Collaboration. Learn how to discuss your projects with others.

Hiding Columns

Hiding, Showing and Reordering columns

What is sheet, rows, and columns

Main points about Sheet, Rows & Columns

Collaboration guide

Effortless collaboration that will suit teams of any different sizes


Learn more about the different billing plans

My Account

Edit your personal information, avatar or setup 2FA to secure your account.

Request a refund

If you upgraded a workbook by mistake and received a charge, we may be able to offer a refund

Upgrade or Downgrade

Learn how to upgrade or downgrade your billing plans

How to delete your account

Delete your personal account in Artavolo. You won't be able to use your account anymore after deletion.

View settings

View Settings allow you to customize the appearance, features and layout of your views based on your personal preferences.


Note-taking service used for taking short notes or preparing a list of tasks

Import Data

Import Data from CSV file, Google Sheet, Excel Workbook, Trello or JSON file

Date & Time Column

A date column allows you to easily enter a date and time into a cell.

Number Column

The number column type is a column type designed to hold numbers

Image Column

The Image column allows you to add one or more images to a row.

Select & Multiple Select Column

Select and Multiple Select choosing options from a list.

Collaborator Column

The collaborator column allows you to select one or more names of collaborators


The Notifications inform you about important things that happen during you are working in the application.

Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts for Artavolo

Embedding a Sheet

Embedding a sheet into a web app or blog

Creating an empty sheet

Create a new empty(blank) sheet and start from scratch. Input data as you go.

Removing a Sheet

Removing(Deleting) a sheet

Duplicate a column

Duplicate(Clone) a column and column settings & values.

Adding a column description

Adding longer explanation of your column. 

Multiline Column

Add multiline text into a column. Column type appropriate for notes.

Phone Number Column

Input and validate phone numbers. The phone number column allows you to input easily phone numbers.


A workbook is a collection of sheets. A workbook is shared between a group of users, called workbook collaborators

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