Phone Number Column
Phone Number Column
The phone number column allows you to input easily phone numbers. There is a built-in phone number validation depending on the chosen country. This will help you to avoid mistakes when you input phone numbers into the sheet.
To add a phone number column, click the "+" button in the columns section and choose "Phone". After that click "OK".
After we click "OK", we will see the column in the Grid. Let's see how it works.
When you double-click on a cell, it will display the phone number input field. You can choose a country code. Once you do that, the phone numbers will be validated against that country phone numbers validation rules. It will display in red or green depending on whether the entered phone number is incorrect or correct.
After we input a sample number which matches the validation rules, we see the green indicator. Now we can save the cell value by clicking "Enter" or clicking somewhere else in the Grid.
The result is: