Image Column

The Image column type allows you to append one or more images directly to your rows. 

How to add an Image column 

To add an image column, click the plus sign that's to the right of your existing columns. This will display a dropdown from which you can select the image column type. After that you can click on can start uploading images to it. 

Uploading images 

To upload an image, double click on a cell from the image column and then click the plus (+) button on the cell. This will display an image upload dialog. The image upload dialog let you upload images by browsing them from your computer or you can also refer an image via a link. You can also drag and drop images into the image upload dialog.

After you add image(s), you will see them in the Image upload dialog. You can delete images by clicking the 'x' button. You can delete all images by clicking the 'trash' icon. If you want to preview an image, click on the image and it will open up a new image preview dialog with the image's real dimensions.

After you click the 'OK' button, the image(s) will be displayed in the cell.

You can enlarge the image by clicking it. This will bring up an image preview dialog.