What is sheet, rows, and columns

Main points

  • Each workbook can contain more than one sheet. It's a collection of sheets.

  • Each sheet is individual and independent. It may be in a group with others, but the connection between them stops there.

  • Each sheet is composed of columns and rows. There are a few view types we can choose from (Grid, Kanban).

    • Grid - the data looks like a grid with Columns and Rows.

    • Kanban - the data looks like tasks with Statuses and Tasks.

  • You can expand the records.

  • You can change the column adjust and formatting from column Settings menu.

What is a sheet?

A sheet is the same as Table. It is a collection of columns and rows. You can think of it as a data table.

What is a row?

The row is the record in the data table, composed of as many cells as there are columns in the data table. It stores the information entered by the user.

How to create a new row

Creating a new row is extremely easy. You just need to click on the "+" button located in the bottom left corner of the sheet.

What is a column?

The columns can be of different types. Depending on them you determine the type of cell contents in the respective column.

How to create a new column

To create a new column, you need to click on the "+" button located in the top right corner of the sheet. After clicking, a window will appear in which you can set your preferences for the behaviour of the column.

What can you customize? 

You can set the Name, Description and Type of the column. You can also allow the column to be resized, edited, sorted or make the cells in the column required.


What column types are allowed?

The column type determines the content that can be entered into the cells pertaining to the column. Here are the main types you can choose from:


  • Text field: This is the most commonly used field type. There is no restriction on the type of characters and allows the entry of free text.
  • Multiline text: This allows you to enter more than one line of text content. There is no restriction on the type of characters and allows the entry of free text.
  • Image: This allows you to attach images that can be viewed as a gallery.
  • Number: Allows only the entry of numbers.
  • Select: It is displayed as a drop-down menu from which you can select an option.
  • Multiple select: It is displayed as a drop-down menu from which you can select more than one option.
  • CheckBox: Displayed as a checkmark that can be turned on and off.
  • Date: This allows you to select a date.
  • Created time: Displays the time when the order was created.
  • Last modified time: Displays the time when the row was edited.
  • Slider: Allows only the entry of numbers. Displays a slider next to the cell, which you can use for faster input.
  • Auto number: Displays the sequence number of the line.
  • URL: This allows you to enter a valid URL.
  • E-mail: This allows you to enter a valid E-mail address
  • Phone: This allows you to enter a valid phone number including the country code.
  • Password: This field masks the content as a password.
  • Status: This is a base column type which is used by the Kanban view to stack the rows by it. For example, if your status options are: 'Uncategorized', 'Todo', 'InProgress' and 'Done', in the Grid(Table) you will be able to choose these in a drop-down select. When you switch to kanban view, each option of the status will be a Kanban column
  • Tags: This allows you to add tags related to the row. In the Kanban cards, they will be displayed in the card footer.
  • Color: This allows you to set the Color of your Kanban cards.
  • Checklist: This column allows you to add sub-tasks as a check list.  
  • Priority: This allows you to set the priority related to the row.
  • Progress: This allows you to set the progress of a long-running process.
  • Name: This allows you to set the name of a task.
  • Description: This allows you to set the description of a task.
  • Start Date: This allows you to set a start date of a task. A built in validation between the Start Date and Due Date fields is created to ensure that the Start date is before the Due date.
  • Due Date: This allows you to set an end date of a task. A built in validation between the Start Date and Due Date fields is created to ensure that the Start date is before the Due date.