Using the Grid view

In this article you are about to learn which are the opportunities the Grid view offers.

Here are some of them:

  • Columns hiding
  • Columns reordering
  • Filtering
  • Editing
  • Sorting
  • Grouping
  • Searching
  • Editing
  • Summary row
  • Comments

Column hiding

If you have too many columns and it’s hard for you to focus on the ones which are more significant, you can hide some of them. You could do this by using the tool “Hide columns”.

Columns reordering

If you decide the columns, which you have created, are not in the right order, you could easily reorder them. You need to “grab” the column heading and drag it to the position you want.


This tool allows you to filter the information you want to be shown.

To do this firstly, you should choose the column, on which you want to do the filter. Then you have to choose the type of filter between: Empty, Not empty, Contains*, Does not contain*, Starts with*, Ends with*, Equal*, Not equal*, Null or Not null.

The types marked with an asterisk (*) must be specified with a value to execute the filter.

For example: If you choose a filter of the field Name of type “Contains” with value “Doe” to it, after applying the filter, the base will show all of the records, which contain the phrase “Doe” in the column Name

Depending on the field type, different filtering conditions are available. For example, for numeric columns you will also see options such as Greater than, Lower than.


To apply sorting, click on the Sort tool and choose the column to sort by. You can optionally apply one time sorting. Otherwise by default the sorting is maintained and will be re-applied when you edit cells in the Grid view.


The Grouping tool allows you to easily group the information by the criteria you require. From the example we have shown, you could see the information, which is being grouped by the column .


You will find a button for searching in the right upper corner of the base. After clicking on it, a field will appear. You could enter keywords, with which you could search.

The results, which have been found, will be colored in yellow.


To edit a cell, click on the cell you want to edit it to enter into edit mode. Enter the new value and click Enter or click on another cell. Editing supports Undo-Redo with Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y shortcut keys. You can also use F2 key to enter into edit mode and move between cells by using the Keyboard arrow keys. To clear the content of a cell you can select one or multiple cells and press the Delete key. To copy cell(s) to the clipboard use the Ctrl+C shortcut key. To paste cell(s) from the clipboard use the Ctrl+V shortcut key. To cut cell(s), you can use Ctrl+X shortcut key.

Summary row

A summary is a feature that provides a synopsis of data contained in the table. A summary consists of several items. A summary item displays a value that is a product of applying an aggregate function to the data of a specific column. The aggregate function could be ' min ', ' max ', ' sum ', ' count ', ' avg ', ' unique ', 'filled' or 'empty'. You can dynamically set the aggregate function by moving the pointer to the summary cell and clicking on it. From the aggregate function dropdown, you will be able to select the aggregate functions. The total summary is calculated on all data contained in the table. When selection is applied, the total summary is calculated dynamically based on the selected table cells or rows.

Add Column

To add a column to your table, scroll as far right as you can on your table and then click the large + button. You can manually add one field at a time.  

Delete Column

To delete a column, click on the menu icon in the column header of the field you'd like to remove. Select the "Delete" option. It's only possible to delete one field at a time

Add row

There are multiple ways to add a new row to a table, the first is to click the "+" in the bottom-left corner of the table. This will create a new empty row at the bottom of your table. Another way to add rows quickly is to use the keyboard shortcut Shift + Space

Delete row

By selecting multiple rows, you can delete multiple rows at once. Rows can be selected by moving the mouse pointer over the number on the left side of the row and then clicking. You can select multiple rows by clicking each one individually and holding the Ctrl key. You can also use the Shift key to select a range of rows. To select all rows in a table, click the checkbox on the left side of the table's header row. After you've selected the rows you want to delete, click the 'Delete rows' tool.

To delete partial data from a row like few cells, select the appropriate cells that you want to delete and press the Delete key. You can click and drag to select multiple cells, or hold the shift key while clicking or using the arrow keys.

Edit row

To edit all cells within a row, see the edits history or add comments about the row, you need to click the Expand icon of the row. Once you do that, a Dialog will be opened which will display all row fields. You can easily edit the fields as well as fields visibility in the table and after that click OK to confirm the changes or Cancel to cancel them.

Comment row

If you expand a row, you will see a Tabs with Details, Comments and History tabs. Click on the Comments tab and you can add comments related to this row. You can see at a glance which rows have comments on them by seeing a small red indicator above the row expand icon. You can also delete or edit comments that you previously made, simply